Providing Essential Health Services

Dedicated to serving the Moyamba community with essential healthcare

About Us

Hatfield Archer Memorial UMC Hospital Rotifunk used to be known as THE ROTIFUNK HOSPITAL S/LEONE. The hospital was known all over Sierra Leone and her neighboring countries like Liberia and Guinea for its missionary standard and high quality of healthcare services they provide. During the hut tax war, the majority of the medical missionaries were killed by the native people. During the Sierra Leone civil war, the hospital was vandalized and set ablaze which left the hospital in a devastating condition. The hospital was rehabilitated by the United Methodist Church Sierra Leone Annual Conference through the philanthropic efforts of one of the sons of the soil Alton Bendu and the paramount chief Charles B. Caulker with funds from the Norwegian Government. The hospital was re-established in 2014 and commissioned by former first lady Md. Sia Nyama Koroma and was named Hatfield Archer Memorial UMC Hospital in memory of two prominent medical missionaries DR. ARCHER and MARIETA HATFIELD who were killed. The hospital is therefore a Christian Faith-Based health facility with the moto; “Extending the Healing Ministry of Christ to All”

Our Work in the Chiefdom and District

The hospital is focused on supporting and complementing the government Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MoHS) through the driving force of improving maternal and child healthcare in rural Sierra Leone from the community level to the surrounding health centers and referral hospitals. Strive to reduce maternity mortality to zero ratio with a minimal limit to infant and child mortality. Mobile clinics or community outreach is also a major function of the hospital in addition to both medical and surgical services.

What We Do

The hospital is overseen by the UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Sierra Leone Annual Conference and its activities are supported by other humanitarian organizations and supervised by the Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MoHS).

Mission of Hope-North Carolina USA

This is our North Carolina American partner that support the hospital maternal and new born services and feedings under a program labelled as the MADONNA project. Support Adolescence health and supporting girls to foster their education through the provision of various methods of contraceptives to desire clients and discourage early child marriage through the program called “Let Girls Be Girls” LGBG. Provide and maintain the hospital utility and outreach vehicle. Helps to support operational cost of the hospital and above all, they are responsible for over 90% of the staff salaries at the hospital.

Haugesund Rotifunk-Norway

Support the hospital solar system since 2017. Support hospital internal programs in project forms such as supplementary surgical program called the VALENTINE surgical project, weekly mobile clinics or community outreaches called the OUTREACH project, malnutrition program labelled as the SEALIFE project and INPATIENT FEEDING project.

person in blue gloves and blue denim jeans
person in blue gloves and blue denim jeans

Contact Us

Contact us for inquiries or appointments